The topic I’m picking to research is “experiencing work overload or burnout.” A lot of employees have problems with taking on way too much work, and they end up stringing themselves out over it, also known as burning out or work overload. The popular press article I found that helped influence my decision on this topic is one published by Forbes titled, “The Six Causes of Professional Burnout and How to Avoid Them” This source influenced me by not only listing the main factors that cause burnout in working professionals, but also giving tips on how to prevent or resolve the problems that are causing it. It also explains what most people consider to be causing burnout and why that isn’t the only factor, as well as provides another source by the same author. The COMM scholarly source I chose was, “The effects of work overload and work-family conflict on job embeddedness and job performance.” I picked this source because it is a scholarly having to do with the topic and it also narrows it down to the hospitality industry for instance and shows what people in that industry go through in their profession. It shows how for must people in that industry it is hard for them to break away from their day to day jobs and relax with their family. The main reason for that is because many of the duties that occur in the hospitality industry are things that happen or need to be done in our everyday lives. The sources have narrowed down the proposal because it shows specific examples of the problem of experiencing work overload or burnout. In the first article in particularly it explains the six main reasons that these issues occur and how to avoid them. I know from personal experience that one of the main reasons for work overload and burnout is because of “lack of control”, I am in a business that unfortunately I am not my own boss so, it happens to be very hard when people believe that they have more control in the hair salon and try to take more control then they do. It makes me feel very burned out when I have to deal with that daily, after a while it gets very tiring and I have become burned out because of it. I believe this topic is worth researching because I believe that many people do become very burned out with their job or occupation and need a relief from that so that their performance does not become hindered. The problem that needs to be solved is how to allow employees to not become overloaded or burnt out with their job. I don’t know exactly what the answer to the problem may be but, ideas that come into mind may be: 15 minutes breaks in the morning and afternoon to clear your mind, leaving early on Fridays, or maybe even giving an employee off one day a month. I am not sure if any of these ideas or plausible or would even help but they are some suggests that I have come up with that would help me remarkably. I have learned by researching this topic that everyone goes through being burned out or overload at work and that we need to figure out ways to help makes this not so much of an issue. I know this is a problem though because I go through this with my job personally. As for what topics this relates too that we have studied so far, I would have to say approaches to management, as well as understanding organizational culture. Lastly, I would say the question that I would like to know are “in what ways can we fix this issue and are there ways to allow employees to become less overloaded and burnout with their jobs?”
Reference Page
Karatepe, Osman M. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Bradford Vol. 25, Iss. 4, (2013): 614-634.
Rampton, J. (2015, May 13). The 6 Causes of Professional Burnout And How To Avoid Them. Retrieved February 23, 2018, from