It's been a while since I last looked at my page, so I took my time going through every page and making sure everything was up to date. I ended up editing my about me section, my resume, and my contact section. In my about me I edited little things so that they were up to date, and were a little more professional. I made these changes because I haven't updated my wix page since last fall semester. As for my resume I ended up editing my reference section, and my related course work section. These needed updating because I have competed more courses since the last time I curated this page. Lastly, my contact section, I added links to my Instagram business page. Linking this social media website not only shows a portfolio of my work, but it also helps illustrate my professionalism.
When setting up my wix page I found that the easiest part was expressing myself as am professional in a creative way. I really enjoyed being able to express who I am as a hair stylist and communications major in a fun yet professional way that I can use the rest of my career. The most challenging part however, would be actually creating the page. It took me a while figuring out how to use wix and what does what, I even struggled a little when curating and editing it for this assignment since I haven't used it in a couple months.
At this point, after curating and editing it through multiple different courses, I feel pretty confident in my page and how it illustrates me as a professional, leaving me with no questions at this point in the process.