After meeting with EPortfolio peer mentor, I only changed and updated a few things on my webpage. On a couple pages I noticed there was a lot of dead space, so I reevaluated the layout of them to make it less open and more visually appealing. Another thing I changed was the layout of my resume. The way I had it to begin with wasn’t the most functional or flowing concept. So I rearranged it and made it flow a little better. Meeting with a peer mentor helped me see things I over looked when I first created my page, and made it more visually appealing as well as more functional and organized. It was a great experience because the saying is always right, two eyes are better than one, they catch things you don’t necessarily see at first. I will probably continue to get outside feedback every so often as my page progresses, just to keep it in the best form possible and catch things I might have missed when making it.