I made a few changes to my page after going back and looking over what I had originally done the first time I made it. I rewrote my about me page, changed the layout of my resume and added a few things, and I also just moved a couple little things to fix some dead space issues I had.
I decided to make these changes for a couple reasons. The dead space issues I changed because when I went back and looked at my page as a whole I noticed having all that extra space made it seem like things were missing. Almost like I needed more so I spaced things out slightly more or shrunk the page a little. Doing this defiantly made my page more appealing. The reason I rewrote my about me page was because I didn’t think it really showed who I am, and that’s what the whole thing is about. Lastly, I changed my resume a little because it wasn’t organized as nicely as it should be and I included skills to show more of my strengths.
After looking back at my page and fixing those few things I feel extremely confident in professional presence online. Creating this page has helped me present myself in a more professional manner and made me more aware of how I present myself online. I am more aware of what I post and share now on all social media because social media now has a big impact on possible employers or in my case possible clients. It also helped me improve how I post my work online to really sell it. I don’t normally post anything unless its work related/ appropriate because I’ll be honest when I was younger I would post about every little thing, and looking back at those post I question what was I thinking and I know in a professional setting they wouldn’t be acceptable. The only real question I have about this WIX page is, how much will this really affect my professional life? Will it benefit me or just be nothing?