My approach to creating this page was just jumping in head first and hoping for the best. I would do a little bit at a time and whenever I sat down to start the next section I would go back and look at what I have previously done and decided if I needed to add anything or tweak the layout or anything. As I continued working on this page the more I felt comfortable in what I was doing, I’ll admit I had no clue what I was doing at first. I’ve noticed that’s how it normally goes when I am using social media, the more I use it the better I am at using it, so now that I am basically done with this first part I’m pretty excited about my page, to the point I’ve been sending it to so many people I know telling them to check it out.
I try my best when it comes to balancing work, school, and family, but now I have to throw wedding planning and building a house into the mix, so I can’t say each gets equal amounts of time. I’ve noticed I’ve pushed wedding planning off to the side (which is fine for the time being considering I have close to a year and a half) but building my house, work, and school defiantly have top priorities. I can’t wait to finally have just work and family to worry about, I’m ready for my professional self to not completely intersect with my personal self, I think they need to be close but not the same, work and personal life should stay separate.